With 10+ years of performing and producing experience, Calamity collaborates with restaurants, intimate themed cocktail bars and summer resorts to create burlesque entertainement that is appropriate for each client's needs. Her NYC roster includes the world-renowed cocktail bar
Employees Only, sister restaurant Macao Trading Company, Hotel Chantelle, Nurse Bettie, and more. Her extended clientele list includes The Beehive in Boston, First & South in Greenport, NY, George Martin Strip Steak in Great River, NY, and as of 2021 since she relocated to beautiful Poconos, The Rainbow Mountain Resort in East Stroudsburg, PA.
If you are interested in creating a burlesque event at your venue or party, please get in touch.
Thursday, 2010-2020
Calamity produced, hosted, and performed at this weekly NYC burlesque pinup bar for a decade! This small intimate bar featued local favorites and international burlesque performers–if you can make it in NYC's small stages, you can make it anywhere!
Calamity has passed on the Thursday night torch to Frankie Eleanor in 2021!
Friday, 2012-2017
"Burlesque is all about spectacle—but sometimes the most fun is had when that spectacle is delivered in up-close-and-personal, and that’s what Calamity Chang’s Room 69: The Hotel Chantelle Way is all about. Friday, June 22’s edition featured burly-Q contributions from an all-star cast that included Stormy Leather, Dame Cuchifrita, Hazel Honeysuckle, Ruby Valentine, Mr. Gorgeous and Nikki Le Villain; you can catch more stars of the local scene every Friday night." - Time Out NY, View Gallery
April 2010–December 2011
"The Fab Four and burlesque babes—they go together like…well, we're not sure what. But that doesn't stop Calamity Chang and her burly-Q pals from taking to the Public Assembly stage once a month at this salute to the British Invasion icons. Ticket to Ride (featuring guest vocalist Michael Cunio) supplies the appropriate tuneage; Stormy Leather, Charlie Gunn, Tiny D and Chang herself take part in the onstage antics; and Sydney Sunrise and Marinara Stardust provide additional go-go action. Tonight's shindig is Beatles Burlesque's two-year birthday blowout, and it's also the last edition for a while, as Calamity & Co. put the party on hiatus. If you haven't checked the show out yet, don't miss it." – Time Out NY
April 2010–December 2011
"The Fab Four and burlesque babes—they go together like…well, we're not sure what. But that doesn't stop Calamity Chang and her burly-Q pals from taking to the Public Assembly stage once a month at this salute to the British Invasion icons. Ticket to Ride (featuring guest vocalist Michael Cunio) supplies the appropriate tuneage; Stormy Leather, Charlie Gunn, Tiny D and Chang herself take part in the onstage antics; and Sydney Sunrise and Marinara Stardust provide additional go-go action. Tonight's shindig is Beatles Burlesque's two-year birthday blowout, and it's also the last edition for a while, as Calamity & Co. put the party on hiatus. If you haven't checked the show out yet, don't miss it." – Time Out NY
April 2010–December 2011
"The Fab Four and burlesque babes—they go together like…well, we're not sure what. But that doesn't stop Calamity Chang and her burly-Q pals from taking to the Public Assembly stage once a month at this salute to the British Invasion icons. Ticket to Ride (featuring guest vocalist Michael Cunio) supplies the appropriate tuneage; Stormy Leather, Charlie Gunn, Tiny D and Chang herself take part in the onstage antics; and Sydney Sunrise and Marinara Stardust provide additional go-go action. Tonight's shindig is Beatles Burlesque's two-year birthday blowout, and it's also the last edition for a while, as Calamity & Co. put the party on hiatus. If you haven't checked the show out yet, don't miss it." – Time Out NY
April 2010–December 2011
"The Fab Four and burlesque babes—they go together like…well, we're not sure what. But that doesn't stop Calamity Chang and her burly-Q pals from taking to the Public Assembly stage once a month at this salute to the British Invasion icons. Ticket to Ride (featuring guest vocalist Michael Cunio) supplies the appropriate tuneage; Stormy Leather, Charlie Gunn, Tiny D and Chang herself take part in the onstage antics; and Sydney Sunrise and Marinara Stardust provide additional go-go action. Tonight's shindig is Beatles Burlesque's two-year birthday blowout, and it's also the last edition for a while, as Calamity & Co. put the party on hiatus. If you haven't checked the show out yet, don't miss it." – Time Out NY
April 2010–December 2011
"The Fab Four and burlesque babes—they go together like…well, we're not sure what. But that doesn't stop Calamity Chang and her burly-Q pals from taking to the Public Assembly stage once a month at this salute to the British Invasion icons. Ticket to Ride (featuring guest vocalist Michael Cunio) supplies the appropriate tuneage; Stormy Leather, Charlie Gunn, Tiny D and Chang herself take part in the onstage antics; and Sydney Sunrise and Marinara Stardust provide additional go-go action. Tonight's shindig is Beatles Burlesque's two-year birthday blowout, and it's also the last edition for a while, as Calamity & Co. put the party on hiatus. If you haven't checked the show out yet, don't miss it." – Time Out NY